The Hanging Shield
After many years of a brawler fight something has to give. A daring general in Athens considers new strategies while playwrights bring the full weight of the ancient press (the theatre) to bear in criticizing the war. Meanwhile, Greece watches as the impossible unfolds on the shores of the Peloponnese. This episode covers approximately 427 B.C. – 425 B.C.
Recommended Podcast: The History of Ancient of Greece
Show Notes:
The premier Greek power has been recently crippled by the plague and the financial burden of fighting a war. Athens is beginning to seriously reconsider its approach to the war.
The port of Athens, Piraeus is virtually a city unto itself. A strong Thracian immigrant population enjoyed the benefits one of the first urban planning projects. Straight grid-like roads brought you to the agora, market or any one of the three bay that served Piraeus. Ship sheds rings each bay where triremes are stored for the winter.
A city on Lesbos (an island in the eastern Aegean near modern day Turkey) that revolts from Athens after petitioning Sparta. Mytilene would like to set up a miniature empire of its own on the island of Lesbos.
Playwright, general and ambassador, Sophocles is the author of the Oedipus (sounds like Edipus) plays and also serves as general for several years.
A strong advocate to end the war with complete and utter victory. Cleon has no problem handing out brutal punishments to ensure the cooperation of their nominal allies. Cleon is unique in that he is one of the first non-aristocratic to take a prominent role in politics.
An aristocratic and morally conservative man, he is well respected and is fighting as a general behind the scenes during this episode.
Show Notes:
The premier Greek democratic power has been recently crippled by the plague and the financial burden of fighting a war. Athens is beginning to seriously reconsider its approach to the war.
Sparta is an oligarchic power that has control over the Peloponnesian League. Although it has no desire to fight Athens at sea it, generally, remains undaunted on land.
An area on the southwest of the Peloponnese (though the area is disputed) where Demosthenes wanted to build a small fort in Sparta’s backyard.
A recently elected general, Demosthenes has no problem thinking outside the box. His daring plans to invade the allies of Sparta have gotten him into trouble before.
A Spartan. Unlike most Spartans we have learned about he is not a royal Spartan but has worked his way up the ranks. Both fearless and advocate of defeating Athens outright he stays busy adding to his resume of incredible bravery.
A strong advocate to end the war with complete and utter victory. Cleon has no problem handing out brutal punishments to ensure the cooperation of their nominal allies. Cleon is unique in that he is one of the first non-aristocratic to take a prominent role in politics.