Interested in further reading or just curious if I'm making it all up? These aren't all of the books and sources that I've used but here are several I have found myself going back to.
Democracy’s Beginning – Thomas Mitchell
Democracy : A Life – Paul Cartledge
The Birth of Politics – Melissa Lane
Lords of the Sea – John Hale
Aristotle and Xenophon on Democracy and Oligarchy – JM Moore
Ancient Greece - Thomas Martin
History of the Peloponnesian War – Thucydides
The Landmark Thucydides – Robert Strassler
The Landmark Herodotus - Robert Strassler
The Landmark Xenophon - Robert Strassler
The Political Organization of Attica - John Traill
Shouts, murmurs, and votes: Acclamation and aggregation in ancient Greece - Melissa Schwartzberg
Democracy: Electoral and Athenian - Sheldon S. Wolin
War, disenfranchisement and the fall of the ancient Athenian democracy - George Tridimas
Morality, institutions and the wealth of nations: Some lessons from ancient Greece - George C. Bitros, Anastassios D. Karayiannis
Introducing the Ancient Greeks – Edith Hall
A War Like No Other – Victor Davis Hanson
The Peloponnesian War – Donald Kagan
On the Constitution – The Federalist Papers by Hamilton, Madison, and Jay, edited by Ralph Gabriel
Parallel Lives – Plutarch (Solon, Lycurgus, Themistocles, Pericles, Cimon, Aristides)
Works and Days – Hesiod
Thoughts on Government – Adams
Mixing Larceny with the Spirit of Justice: Rousseau as the modern Lycurgus – Dorina Verli
Ancient Greece: From Prehistoric to Hellenistic Times – Thomas R. Martin
Persian Fire - Tom Holland
The Battle of Salamis - Barry Strauss
Thermopylae - Paul Cartledge
The Attic Theatre - A.E Haigh
Everyday Life in Classical Athens - T.B.L. Webster
Greek Theatre Practice - Michael J. Walton