Posts tagged Society
Fear, Fate and Power

Fear and anger can convince us to do terrible things. It is often only once we take time to collect ourselves that we see how outrageous our actions were. As the first few years of the Peloponnesian War preserve a violent stalemate some people in Athens decide that a more drastic strategy is necessary.  This episode covers approximately 429 B.C. - 427 B.C.

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The Shrinking World

The Greek world is getting smaller. Athens and Sparta are the sole dominating powers in Greece and cities are forced to consider what sides they will choose. The grandeur of Athens continues to allure as their wealth and power are demonstrated at the 4 year Panathenaic Festival while Sparta grapples for peace. It’s time to choose what side to join. This episode covers approximately 440 BC - 432 BC.

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Are you tired of being in Athens’ alliance? No one cares. Athens develops various carrots and sticks to make friends and keep rebellions in check. The return of Cimon means Athens once again begins to dominate the sea as only Cimon knows how to do. Athens must figure out how to continue to swell in power while convincing Sparta that they aren’t a threat. This episode covers approximately 454 BC – 446 BC. 

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The Groundwork of an Empire

Athens swells into an economic powerhouse and plays with the idea of trying on an empire. Many of the most powerful men in Greece are reshuffled during the growing pains as rumors of corruption begin to circulate. Finally, we drop down into Athens to meet the different classes of people and take a look at what life was like for them. This episode covers approximately 474 BC – 464 BC.

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Shattered Timbers, Shattered Spears

The full force of Persia is directed against Greece. A fragile Greek alliance attempts to withstand the blow at the Battle of Thermopylae. Meanwhile, Themistocles maneuvers the resulting political fallout while making allies, old and new. We also examine the Spartan embrace of death and gain an appreciation for the floating demolition derby that was the Greek navy. This episode covers approximately 481 BC – 480 BC.

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The Spartan Legacy

Sparta is more than spears, although there are also plenty of spears. We wade through the murky history of Sparta while watching their migration into Greece. As much as we think of Spartans as Greek, they claim their heritage from the north… and from Hercules. This episode covers approximately 1,200 BC – 500 BC. As a side note, I have a cold so this episode sounds partially underwater at times. 

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